Sermon Archive
Luke 15 contains three of the most famous parables Jesus ever taught: the parable of the lost sheep; the parable of the lost coin; and the parable of the lost sons. Or if we put the emphasis where Jesus puts it, we…
David and Jonathan enter into a parity covenant, exchanging robes and weapons to signify their bond of loyalty to each other. The covenant they cut includes Jonathan’s young son Mephibosheth, whom David seeks out to bless even after Jonathan dies. Thereafter, Mephibosheth…
After the risen Christ ascended back to the right hand of the Father, the disciples were instructed to return to Jerusalem—that hot mess of a city marked by all kinds of nasty divisions (class, education, theology, politics, ethnicity, etc.). It was also…
In C. S. Lewis’s Prince Caspian, Lucy and Aslan engage in an illuminating conversation. (Lucy is one of the Pevensie children, and Aslan, the lion, is the Christ figure in Lewis’s The Chronicles of Narnia.) Lucy hasn’t seen Aslan in quite a long time,…
God has landed! Right in a manger. Right on top of cow spit and barnyard bacteria. Jesus came a long way to save us. Two thousand years ago, the eternal Son of God stepped across the stars of the universe to become…
Headlines are notoriously difficult to write. Even news editors who’ve been in the business for decades can struggle with the task. When you write a headline, you have to summarize the story in a few words, and do so in a way…
Every generation seems to have a defining date. For the Boomer generation, that date is Friday, November 22, 1963—the day President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas. What is less known, perhaps, is that two other remarkable…
Dave and Concé Roof are supported missionaries to Brazil and members of Christ Community Church. This message chronicles their work over the past several years in Moju, Belém, and Juqueri, Brazil. You’ll be encouraged at how God is at work in their…
Christian theology teaches that when believers worship God on earth today, we join with believers in heaven who are now worshiping God around his throne. This overlapping worship of Christians—past, present, and future—is called “the communion of saints.” As one famous church hymn…
The most prominent image for the church in the New Testament is “the Body of Christ.” There are about 15 references to it from Matthew to Revelation. The image implies that believers are to be, do, and say what Christ would be,…
In John 8 we read the famous story of the woman caught in the act of adultery—a story so famous that even those who know little about the Bible know that one. They even quote it sometimes because it contains one of…
In Mark 2:1-12, Jesus famously healed the paralytic, a man lowered on his mat through someone’s roof because of the crowd. Before Jesus restored his legs, however, he restored his soul, declaring the man’s sins forgiven. Some folks in the crowd fussed…
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