Fellowship & Hospitality Ministry

Made for Community

Knowing and Being Known

Human beings are relational creatures. That’s because we’re made in the image of our Triune God. Pastor Tim has said, “The Holy Trinity is not a math puzzle (1 + 1 + 1 = 1), it’s a clue to the relational heart of the universe. The prime reality of existence is not matter. It’s not energy. It’s not quarks. It’s a divine relationship.”

At our most basic level, then, we need to connect with others. Indeed, one of the greatest gifts in life is to be known. That’s why we take fellowship seriously at Christ Community Church. We read in the book of Acts that the early church “devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer” (Acts 2:42). We want to do the same.

Come Prepared to Make New Friends

Christ Community Church is full of friendly people. We have several volunteers who would love to greet you and guide you through the campus. Still, we understand that “friendly” doesn’t always mean instant connection. That takes a little time, effort, and intentionality on all our parts to strengthen personal bonds that lead to life-long friendships.

So, let us help you get connected. In time, most people discover the folks at Christ Community Church are a lot like them—with similar hopes, fears, struggles, interests, hobbies, and goals. Whatever our backgrounds, we’re in this community together for such a time as this.

Extending Community through Hospitality

Christ Community Church features a varity of fellowship events throughout the year, and—yes—food is often involved! When we’re not in “pandemic mode,” we usually offer:

•  Monthly Saturday Breakfasts
•  Monthly Sunday Dinners
•  Summer & Fall Church Picnics
•  Easter Morning Continental Breakfasts
•  Special Event Meals & Activities

The Peanut Butter & Jelly Mindset

Henri Nouwen once said, “There is a sacramental quality to true hospitality.” What is a sacrament? A sacrament is “ordinary stuff” (e.g., the water of baptism, the bread and wine of Holy Communion, the oil of anointing, etc.) that is made extraordinary when dedicated to Christ. It then becomes a vehicle of God’s grace and power to the receiver.

Hospitality is common stuff. It’s not “entertaining with perfection.” It’s not always a 7-course meal with five-star flourishes. We’re talking about simple soup and salad. Maybe peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

Or perhaps a it’s a cup of coffee while listening to someone else’s struggles and aspirations—providing hope and encouragement within an atmosphere of kindness and respect. God works powerfully through conversations like that.

We find it extraordinary that he does!

For more reflections on the fellowship and hospitality, check out Pastor Tim’s blog posts on This New Life called “Turning the Tables” and “Hospitality & Grace.” You might also enjoy “Needing and Needling: The Challenge to Find Good Christian Community.”

Dustin Willis and Brandon Clements have written, “Let’s use our homes to be micro representations of that final banquet table—places where believers gather around the food and drink God has graciously provided, celebrating that God has brought us to himself and opened that sacred space to all who are far from him. Let’s become relentlessly warm and welcoming because we’ve been relentlessly welcomed in Christ.”


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